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Protect Yourself Against Elder Financial Abuse

By Raymond Watson

Individuals who spent a majority of their youth saving a part of their income may be able to retire rather comfortably. This of course gives them the opportunity to be able to enjoy the rest of their lives without worrying about how much money they have left. However, certain instances can threaten this safety net which can lead to the elderly suffering extreme financial loss. Here are some facts you need to know about elder financial abuse.

This kind of abuse refers to what happens when a financial handler mishandles their position. As caretakers, they are expected to help the individual meet their financial requirements on a timely and safe manner. When the manager starts to perform malicious acts that can jeopardize the elderly person then it may be considered as abuse.

To ensure that you seize back control of your finances, it helps to recognize some common signs of asset abuse. One example is when bills are not being paid on time or a sudden halt of utilities like electricity and water. Additionally, if you suddenly find yourself being evicted from your home, it may be a sign that your handler has neglected to pay these necessities.

Fortunately, persons can protect themselves from this abuse by taking some precautionary steps. These involve checking out the red flags before it gets worse and taking the necessary legal actions immediately. Be warned that these caregivers may make an effort to hide their traces so it is best to do your investigation vigilantly.

Another warning sign to also look out for is the loss of various personal properties. These include automobiles, deeds, valuable collections, and jewelry, all of which can be sold for a hefty price. Similar to money transfers, property loss usually starts out small until the abuser eventually gains confidence and starts selling more valuable items without the permission of the associate.

One sign that the elderly should look closely is to see whether their financial caretakers were able to pay their bills. These include amenities, utilities, and rent needed for you to get by. If the unpaid status has been going on for months, you run the risk of having your utilities cut off while also facing the threat of eviction. The latter can even lead to homelessness if you are unable to find a place to stay in.

These are of course just some ways that a handler can financially abuse an elderly person. Since scenarios may vary, many senior citizens often do not consider themselves as abused especially if their fiduciaries are relatives and people they are exceptionally close with. When this happens, it makes it difficult for them to cut all ties severely which can affect their physical and emotional health.

Another is the sudden influx of alerting messages. Banks and other financial institutions usually make the rounds of calling individuals whenever there is an issue with their account. If you are suddenly bombarded with such notices then it is time you need to check your account closely. Should your suspicions be proven correct, ask your bank to freeze your account temporarily so no further damage ensues.

While these instances can be alarming, there are ways on how you can protect yourself from being taken advantage of. One way to do this is to hire an attorney who is able to oversee your assets. Additionally, individuals living in the United States may contact the Administration on Aging which is responsible for ensuring the rights and safety of the elderly and their assistants.

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