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The Advantages Of The Professional Online Portfolio

By Marie Taylor

The professional and social landscapes that exist in jurisdictions around the world have definitely undergone some drastic changes in the last few years. The world has become so technology focused that a professional online portfolio is no longer a unique thing. It is used by professionals in many different niches.

A lot of what people used to do in the physical space is now done online. Both social and professional activities have been predominantly online since the spread of the internet and its related access devices. For the individual who is seeking to be recruited, the virtual folder is one crucial element of this type of communication.

Due to the immense growth in the popularity of online interactions, networking has also become popular. People network for social and work-related purposes. For the professional who is operating in this new environment a portfolio that reflects the nature of the environment is natural. This is why the physical professional portfolio has been slowly losing its relevance in favor of the virtual one.

As far as including professional qualifications in these folders is concerned, there may be an obstacle, but it is an obstacle that can be overcome. This lies predominantly in the fact that universities and training agencies do not typically offer a soft version of qualification documents. The solution for this is to scan the physical document or take a picture of this so that a soft version can be placed in the portfolio.

The contents of a typical virtual portfolio closely resemble those of the physical alternative. One of the staple items, of course, is the resume. In addition, some people include links that lead to internet-based evidence of past work done. The links can also lead to the online platforms upon which the individual has a page established. A creative addition to this collection is a video that introduces the portfolio holder to potential recruiters. Videos that provide evidence of skills and past work may also be included.

One of the amazing things about a virtual collection of work-related documents is the fact that it is relatively safe when compared to the physical alternative. A physical portfolio can get damaged by the elements or lost, for example. When people store their electronic folders however, they can store them safely online by emailing them to themselves or using virtual storage services. When this is done the folder is kept safe from system malfunctions and hackers.

There are also websites for professionals that facilitate the storage of these portfolios. In addition to storing these portfolios, these websites also offer professionals exposure to recruiters around the world. They have become increasingly popular as the internet has taken over in terms of professional communication.

Today's working individual definitely has more tools to choose from than those of a few decades ago. One such tool is the virtual work-related folder which facilitates enhanced exposure to opportunities around the world. They are easily delivered or showcased, and this makes the recruitment process easier as employers can sift through them to find the most suitable candidates to shortlist and then invite to interview.

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