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Role Of Dance Competitions Michigan In The Society

By Thomas Murphy

A dance competition accrues a pool of benefits to both the performers and the society in general. It energizes and captivates the performers as they dance thereby giving them the best feeling ever. Similarly, it is of benefit to a society. In both the modern social setting and anciently, dance competitions Michigan were used to mark the day in various ceremonies like marriage, birth, sanctifying the gods and even naming ceremonies. In the current civilized setting, they are greatly embraced in educational centers for academic purposes.

They are attributed to crucial products of a society where their roots are as portrayed by the role they play in it. Therefore, the art is crowned by a therapeutic understanding in the context of various cultures where it is performed. It is also a tool of modern education where it is conducted at all schools levels to varsity education as a symbol of unity and togetherness. Thus it has portrayed various roles in both the traditional society element and the modern one.

Dance competition diversifies both the social and cultural setting through interactions where it drives the supreme feeling of togetherness and solidarity. Through the competition meetings, the performers grow positive thinking for their rivals then try to understand their variant backgrounds. This fosters friendship thus enabling the dancers to phase off their differences and embrace oneness without stereotypes in their physical characteristics.

Similarly, the art is also attributed to its motivational characteristics to the performer. This equips the performers with requisite guidelines on how to drive themselves in an ethically accepted moral conduct. In addition, it enables them to gain self-esteem as they learn new techniques thereby inculcating into them self discipline. This may result in a peaceful and an equitable community.

Scholarly studies have made it crystal clear that; dancing is one of the fancy recreational activities which stress more on physical exercising. This physical activity plays crucial tasks in the bodies of the performers as such an art is responsible for proper brain functioning. Thus it improves their general health. Therefore, a dancing society is a healthy one.

In addition, it motivates the performers to gather their knowledge and skills in worthwhile objectives as they are engaged off the destructive of the street lives owing to the implications of the prior exposure of the street culture. This encourages them to participate in constructive communal activities majorly supporting local charities by raising funds they earn to support the well-being of the disadvantaged groups in a society.

The social aspects of this art open various opportunities for friendship and enable people to co-exist in harmony through the discipline nurtured in them through training dancing techniques. This further results in social cohesion as performers who most probably come from variant cultural backgrounds intermingle and share cultural practices through dancing.

Therefore, the dance competition acts as a cornerstone of the society. It is of importance in both the social, economic and political aspects of the society since it enhances prescribed moral codes like the unity, philanthropic deeds, harmonious inter-relations and boldness in doing communal things together.

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