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Why Self Help Workbooks May Not Help You

By Donald Hayes

You may have purchased a counseling manuscript and identified some aspect in your life that you need and want to change and you feel the manuscript you have bought will help you do that. However, there might be some probable reasons which will lead the book not to help you. Here is why the Self Help workbooks would not for you.

The first setback is that getting an instance success is never a guarantee. Being successful is never a guarantee but one has the chance of becoming successful by making an effort to achieve the success. You cannot just read the paperback and just want to see massive and tangible changes. That is next to impossible. Being successful is a process and it requires time and dedication.

There is no any secret that can lead you to success. There is also no magic cure and any shortcut of ending up a success in life. You may end up being disappointed by reading a tome that has many secrets that are promising but at the end they cannot deliver. The only way out to success is perseverance, effort and persistence.

The other challenge is that the author of the book you acquired maybe boring because he talks much on how he succeeded and the PHD he or she has. The tome may talk much on the author rather than how it may help the reader. Those kinds of manuscript tend to make the reader quit reading it even before finishing 2 chapters.

The next setback is that manuscript you acquired might be of a different era. Most of the counseling paperbacks tend to be having been published more than 2 centuries ago and they are widely circulated. The language used at that time and the reference are different from the ones used currently therefore the person reading maybe get distracted due to the reference and also the language.

The other reason is the compulsive consumption. Some people have the tendency of reading a manuscript and even before getting the time to digest and understand better they move to the next one. People who have problems seemingly refuse to tackle them until they assimilate all the knowledge and prevent them from getting the real benefit of the manuscript they have read.

You may face the challenge of risking averse. You may read and find out the best resource. However, because of some challenges you end up being put off just because you are not willing to commit either your time or money. Although it is good to research in the internet and look for the manuscript that are highly recommended and invest in them. This will push you out to get busy and end up changing your life.

Support or counseling manuscript can labor you to have the drive to gain success. However, you should select one manuscript, that is current and written by an author whose delivery you can relate use it until you extract all the value from it.

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