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Cheap Funerals Charlotte NC Residents Consider Are Attractive Options For Many

By Eric Rogers

A traditional funeral can be very expensive, and some people make monthly burial insurance payments to make sure they will get an impressive send off. Others are more concerned about how they live their lives than what happens to their bodies after they are gone. In this case, there are a number of cheap funerals Charlotte NC residents and others can opt for.

The most obvious alternative to being buried in the ground in a casket is cremation. This is generally considered legal all over the United States, but individual states have specific laws regarding the practice. If you have questions, you can contact the Board of Funeral Services in your state for more information. Cremation costs about a tenth of a modest funeral, and the ashes can be buried or strewn. When you opt for strewing ashes, you need to make sure you do it legally.

It is possible to donate your remains to science, but they won't take just anybody. Ironically, only the healthy corpses are acceptable. Those who were mentally ill, had a communicable disease, or were obese, won't have this option. On the off chance the organization does accept your body, they will pay for everything.

For those environmentally conscious individuals, there are green burials available. If being lowered into the earth in a biodegradable box or shroud instead of a casket doesn't bother you, you can save money and be a good steward of the earth at the same time. For a lot of people, burying tons of steel and cement, when there is a viable alternative, is irresponsible. They argue that embalming fluids, known cancer causers, can seep into the soil and find their way into the drinking water.

You might think backyard burials are only for family pets, but that's not true. Surprisingly enough, it is perfectly legal to bury a human, in land you own, in many states. You will certainly save money. There won't be a funeral home to pay, and you can bypass the casket if you want to. With the savings, you can hire a professional home burial service to assist your remaining loved ones with the process.

Another possibility is to be buried at sea. Many believe this is only a possibility for those in the navy, but that's not so. You will have to abide by the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency. All burials must be at least three miles from shore and the water has to be at least six hundred feet deep.

It may be hard to believe, but if you live in Crestone, CO, you can have your remains burned up in a funeral pyre. This is currently the only place in the country where this is possible. Other cities have petitioned for permission to conduct these types of ceremonies, but without much luck.

Every day living is expensive. It seems unfair that you should go on paying even after you're dead. You don't have to be a burden to your loved ones however, if you feel comfortable going the cheapest route.

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