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Web Design New York: The Do's & Don'ts Of Video

By Arthur Williams

Depending on how it's implemented, video can be one of the most valuable elements for a web design New York company. After all, video has been known to be engaging, more so than photo or text in some cases. With that said, though, there are a few ways to get the most out of video as you can, particularly from a web design perspective. In order to do this, though, the following do's & don'ts must be remembered.

DO consider the length of your videos. According to companies such as Avatar New York, the best videos are relatively short in length. Keeping things short and sweet goes a long, as I'm sure any New York web design agency will be able to attest. When videos are compact, they're more likely to cut the filler and simply provide useful information. Of course, this is just one of the many things to consider about video.

DON'T forget about evergreen content. For those who are unaware, evergreen content is designed in order to stay relevant over the course of time. This is different from news and press releases, to name a couple of examples, which are only relevant for certain stretches of time. With this in mind, it's important to tailor your content so that it can be classified as evergreen. Such logic can be applied to your videos, meaning that it's a quality not to be forgotten.

DO know your audience. Internet marketing companies will tell you that an understanding of one's audience results in better videos. What this means is that you have to tailor them accordingly. Make sure that your videos speak directly to your audience so that they're all the more engaging. If you keep this in mind, you will get even more people visiting your website than you could have ever imagined.

DON'T rely so heavily on videos. Even though video can be a good form of media to use, this doesn't mean you should rely on it alone. For example, if you're looking to rank highly on Google, chances are that video alone won't help. In this scenario, search engine optimization will be needed, which is another process entirely. In any event, if you build your entire business model around video, you limit your chances of finding success.

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