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Facts That Trigger Employers To Doing A Thorough Employment Background Screening Valdosta Ga

By Amanda Butler

It is the hope of every employer that they can get the best employees to work in their organizations. However, there are many cases of the recruitment processes gone wrong. That comes up where an employer takes a potential employee through the entire recruitment process only for an issue to crop up in future that they were not genuine. Many facts trigger potential companies from undertaking thorough employment background screening valdosta ga checks to employees before employing them in their companies. The following are the top facts that trigger employers to do the checks.

Research proves that at least 20% of the applicants in various jobs write lies on their resumes. That is a rude and hard factor that you ought to know when employing. That may include omissions and inclusions of certain information that will help such persons to boost their competitiveness levels. Hence, for any employer, it is fundamental that you take the time to verify the info that you get from the resumes of applicants.

At least one out of every four random applicants has a criminal record. As an employer, it is for you to find out if your applicant has any. You should however not discriminate any of them who has a past criminal record. The information should, however, be disclosed in the resume just for the transparency purposes.

Research also shows that two million people in the world have at least a record of violence at their workstations. This proves that the workplace can be a potential danger zone too. You should, therefore, be very careful during the recruitment to ensure that you do not take the ones with such a tainted history. As an employer, it is your duty to make sure that your premises are safe. The best way to see this happen is employing applicants with a good record.

When you research and do a comparison of the people using drugs to those who are not then you will be in rude shock to understand that the employed people are the ones affected the most. This is usually because they have a source of income which is the monthly salary given hence they feel they are at liberty to drink and smoke too. Medical tests, therefore, will prove effective to curb such drug use.

Also, do you know the legalization of marijuana is rampant nowadays? In most states, marijuana is legalized as a medicine and also for recreational purposes. There are numerous side effects of using this drug for workers. Such persons may not be fit to work in various sectors and areas in your industry. Hence check out for such facts and cases.

Conducting a thorough screening exercise will help the recruitment team to get efficient workers who can run the business. It helps to achieve the goals of the business and get personnel who are competent and qualified for the task.

Some checks may involve getting the services of third parties who are independent. When using such services, make certain that such persons are qualified and legalized to do the job. Also, make sure that you sign a confidentiality agreement with the company.

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