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Great Tips On How To Create Mixed Media Artwork

By Karen Hughes

The expression of ideas through great art is a goal that all artists want to achieve in their careers. Oftentimes, some of these ideas are best expressed through the field of mixed media. This art movement involves the combination of multiple mediums to create one more more pieces of artwork. If you are looking to expand your portfolio and be more diverse with your creativity, consider these pieces of advice below to get you started.

Plastic perfect. Pushing the envelope when making an artistic piece involves the capacity to try materials that might be considered odd. Use overmolding plastic and applying some bold splashes of paint is intriguing and shows that you are unafraid of experimentation. And since a lot of things we use are made out of plastic, the possibilities for your creativity are endless.

Embrace the spectrum. Colors can be found everywhere, and you can literally apply this to your artwork. Instead of totally relying on tubes or pots of acrylic paint, try using alternative sources of color to give life to your work. You may utilize things like colored paper or even unconventional mediums like coffee or tea to create sepia tones.

Feel that rush. Texture is a crucial element that is a hallmark of any great mixed media piece. Artwork should not only be appreciated from a visual perspective, but it must also be something people can touch or feel. Fine examples of this application includes sprinkling fine sand over a panel of wood spread throughout with adhesive so the sand will stick to the material.

Paper works. Even something as plain as paper can be transformed into something beautiful and magical when you apply your talent and imagination. However, you should push your boundaries by using different kinds of paper when crafting your project. Create peculiar textures using tissue and glue or daub watercolors on parchment.

No money, no problem. Just because you love to make art does not mean you literally have to be a starving artist. In fact, there are so many ways you can get materials for projects without even spending a fortune. Rummage through your house to gather old or unused items and give yourself the task of refashioning these things into artistic pieces.

Transformative textiles. Earlier it was mentioned that canvas is a common item used by artists to create paintings. Far from having a monopoly on the art market, you could actually paint on other fabrics other than canvas. Whether you intend on handling a large sheet of fabric or utilizing small scraps of various textiles, you cannot go wrong in exploring this artistic route.

Word up. Go against the grain and try a technique that sounds unusual but produces striking results. Create pieces by combining words with images, and a great way to achieve this is by painting, drawing, or creating collages over the pages of used books or magazines. The resulting effect will be unexpected yet provocative.

You will certainly be spoiled for choice when you dive into the art movement of mixed media. Hopefully, you will learn to adapt quickly when you adhere to the guidelines featured above. Have a positive outlook and always be inspired when embarking on an art project.

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