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Benefits Of Using Solar Oven

By Ronald Reed

This device can be described as a gadget that uses energy directly from the sun. This energy that is gotten from the sunlight is used in heating or cooking of food. Nearly every citizen can afford a solar oven because it is relatively cheap.It saves lots of costs that could be used in buying charcoal, paraffin and firewood. This amount of money can be instead used to do something else that is more constructive. Since this method does not consume fuels and cost nothing to operate, many people opt for using it worldwide so as to help reduce the cost of fuels, air pollution and to slow down the rate of cutting down trees in the environment.

Use of this equipment is used in cases where there might be minimal fuel consumption, the danger of accidental fires is high and health risks are also high as a result of the use of other methods of cooking.

This device is cheap to use. This is because; when one needs to operate the system the only basic requirement is the sunlight which is easily available. This will give a higher saving than other methods of cooking. Since it is cheap it is being used in a larger way especially by the poor who have little or no access to firewood and fuel. It also reduces carbon monoxide that is produced in burning which leads to air pollution. People should use it so as to conserve their environment.

Though the equipment is easy to build, it may cause a risk in a situation whereby in the building of the equipment an accidental injury or a burn occurs due to the devices not being properly used as expected. Another disadvantage is that it destroys eyesight. This is because the concentration of sunlight rays to the system is reflected back into the eyes. For their protection, they need to go to an extra cost of purchasing protective gears for their eyes.

When fossil fuels such as charcoal are used they are gotten from trees in the forests. This, in turn, reduces the amount of forest in the country. This lead to many people suffering from shortages of fuels. When this system is used it will reduce the needs of the government because sunlight is available to all and thus no shortages are faced.

This gadget has the disadvantage of them taking too much time in cooking than other methods of cooking. This delays other activities that have been scheduled thus not time considerate. When a person is using the equipment, one must schedule the right time when the sunlight is at its highest, thus preparation must start earlier.

Another category of these benefits is that it is economical. When families are stricken by the poverty they use a large amount of their income to purchase fuel. This is not economical to them. Since sunlight is freely available they most turn to it as a source of their energy which helps them in saving money to be used in other activities. These activities may include food and health care services.

It also helps in the provision of employment. This is to the manufacturers of the ovens, the sales representatives as well as those who provide repairs to the ovens. It also provides an extra income to food industries such as bakeries where some of the income are saved. This income could have been used in the purchase of types of fuels such as charcoal.

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