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Christina Kelly: 4 Fashion Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

By Katie Onson

Those who run fashion blogs have the opportunity to be looked at as thought leaders. Not only will readers be able to learn much about style, as a whole, but writers will be able to gain greater credibility through the work they produce on a regular basis. With that said, there are certain mistakes that can be made, which is where the assistance of Christina Kelly can come into play. For those who are just getting started in fashion blogging, here are 4 common oversights to know.

For those who are looking to make a mark in fashion blogging, it's important to stay true to yourself. You will be told, more than a few times, that copying the work off of others will land you in trouble. In addition, by making this possible mistake, you will not be able to use your own voice, which can be an issue in its own right. Embrace your own sense of self, as this will lead to success that names the likes of Christina Kelly can recognize.

You might also fail to network with other fashion bloggers, which can spell disaster for you in the long term. Consider the fact that the most successful writers tend to have multiple connections, each one with similar interests and goals. Not only will these connections lead to possible friendships but promising opportunities as well. Networking is crucial, and Christina DiMauro Kelly will be able to agree with this sentiment.

You might also select a platform that you're unfamiliar with. One of the best things about the Internet is that there is a bevy of options available to you, meaning that you aren't limited to what you can use. Many people tend to like WordPress, due to how simple it is to use compared to other platforms. Regardless of what you ultimately select, make sure that it's one that you feel secure utilizing on a long-term basis.

To cap off this list, no fashion blogger should ever write about subject matter they aren't passionate about. To expand on this, let's say that you're interested in vintage fashion, but decide to write about something like arty fashion instead. You're probably not going to create as effective work in this scenario, which can decrease your potential readership. Focus on your passions, as the blog you manage will be in a better place as a result.

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