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Work Opportunities Which Will Pay 10 Dollars Or Maybe More Per Hour

By George Dodson

With regards to jobs, there are those that would say right away that hourly paid jobs is paying much less as compared to jobs that pay at a fixed rate. Though this may be applicable to some jobs, it may not always be the case. With the constant advancement of technology also comes the improvement of jobs and their rate of pay thus we can find a lot of hourly jobs today that can pay $10 or more for every hour. There are many kind of jobs that pay by the hour out there however for this article, we’ll be focusing on those jobs that pay between $10 to $15 an hour.

Hourly jobs: Why this is a better option for others

If you are looking for a job that is flexible then there is a high chance that you'll find one in an hourly paid rate job. Having the advantage of a flexible schedule allows for manageable time for family, for other activities and even to find or work a second job. With this, stress levels are also lower as compared to fixed-pay jobs.

Best jobs paying $10 and more per hour

The information provided below will be as per research made over the top jobs online as of 2015.

Secretarial jobs

One popular job that would pay around $10 to as high as $30 an hour is the secretarial job. Primary tasks involved if ever you will be hired as a secretary would include clerical tasks as well as admin related tasks such as sorting out files, tracking your boss's appointments and others. Most of the time, you will also have to stand in place of your boss if he or she is absent. With regards to the rate of pay, you can earn more than 10 dollars an hour depending on the field you are in. Of course, hourly paid secretarial jobs also come in flexible hours which employees may find favorable.

Being hired as a truck driver for a delivery company

You can also work as a delivery truck driver if you don’t want a salary that would go less than $10 an hour. Delivery truck drivers usually work on a specific route, area or state only and it is important that you are familiar with these factors. In addition, you need to be able to stick with the schedule such as the time of departure, arrival as well as the stop-overs. Lastly, you need to be certified or licensed to drive large vehicles such as trucks or trailers in order to guarantee your safety as well as the safety of other people on the road.

Construction worker Among the common labor jobs that we have today are the jobs at a construction. There are basically various kinds of jobs present in the construction industry which can range from being a foreman, machine operator, carpenter, materials specialist, welder and many others. When hired in a construction company, you will either construct, remodel or even demolish buildings as part of your tasks. Pay range can go as much as $10 an hour to $20 depending on experience and specialization.

You can work as a Telemarketer or a Customer Service Rep

Another popular job that is usually found in the job market is the telemarketing or Customer service Rep jobs. If you are simply good at talking over the phone to customers then you would definitely high chances of getting hired for these jobs. If you don't want to move around at work or if you don't want to use much muscle when working then you would find these jobs a great choice. Amazingly, being a telemarketer or a customer service rep doesn't mean you have to go to an office and perform your work there - you can do the work from your own home. Amazingly, this job would pay $10 an hour to $50 an hour depending on quota and number of leads generated.

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