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What You Need To Know About Office 365

By Alex D White

All You Need To Know About Office 365 Office 365 came with a bang when Microsoft unveiled it a couple of years ago, and with good reason. With a similar cloud application, most people were eager to find out what the fuse was all about. You may be looking to install it on your computer, or for a client or organization. As such, a little information before installation may go a long way. The following things will help settle your mind.

The main reason for the rise in popularity of Office 365 above all previous versions is the fact that it is the only service from Microsoft that has come closer to Cloud. Cloud can be defined as an off the site file hosting service that was popularized by the IT industry. Windows SkyDrive is the Cloud version of Microsoft, which enables you share your files by uploading and synchronizing them with the service and then accessing them from any location on any device.

Most people have grown accustomed to the desktop version of Microsoft office. The new service, however, comes with new inclusions such as the office web apps. The office web apps are the office internet version that is linked with SkyDrive and which allows you to read and edit documents without changing the format from devices that do not have office.

Before installing, you will need to have a compatible operating system. Windows users will need windows 7 OR windows 8, while Mac users will need OS X10.6 or later versions. You also need to be connected to the internet for you to install it, activate the key and manage your subscriptions. In addition, your device also needs to have a compatible browser like Chrome 18, Safari 5, Firefox 12 and IE 9.

The size of your organization will determine your subscription costs for the service. There are various plans for Office 365, from small business premium subscriptions to enterprise premium subscriptions. In a nutshell, you will need a small business premium subscription for an organization with less than 25 users, midsize business premium for 25 to 300 users, and enterprise premium plan for more than 300 users.

If you are using Office 2010 or 2013, you can still use the service. For Office 2007, however, it may loose some of the functionality. The good news is that you can access your files using the office web apps. Office 2013 users do not need to install the service if only to share files. You can still share files with your contacts by uploading them and inviting them to view the files.

For you to maximize the service, you still need to install it on your computer even though office web apps are free. Office web apps have great benefits, including allowing you to view files and edit them on devices that do not have office. This does not make it a substitute for office 365 or the regular desktop version of office. There a number of things you cannot do with only the office web apps like viewing your files on multiple devices with no office.

Moreover, you do not have to worry about security with this service. Office 365 uses the same user-level security as the desktop version, as well as the similar Trust Centre. This enables you to set restrictions with the Rights Management Service that supports its encryption.

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