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Wordpress Plugins Which Every Blogger Should Use

By Haroon Akhtar

Searching for methods to enhance the performance of your WordPress-powered site? If yes then look no further. The plugins mentioned in the following paragraphs will assist you to improve your earnings.

All In One SEO - This seo plugin is incredibly popular among bloggers. It offers everything you may need for the on-page seo of your blog. You can add meta info to posts, set canonical URLs, no-index insignificant pages to avoid duplicate content penalties etc. Also All In One SEO is well maintained so you won't need to be concerned about bugs and errors. Download.

WP Curtain - Is there sensitive info on your site that you want nobody else to see? Want to limit access to your site while it's undergoing repairs and maintenance? If yes then WP Curtain is the ideal WordPress plugin for the task. It enables you to safeguard your blog from prying eyes and keep your data secure. Logged in users can continue to see the site without any problems but all of the other visitors see an error page. On this error page you can show a countdown timer and custom messages. Download.

Google XML Sitemaps - If you have a large website and you want Google to index it quickly then this feature-rich plugin may help you. With an XML sitemap search engine bots can better see the structure of your website. Unfortunately, creating a sitemap manually can be very challenging. This is where Google XML Sitemaps plugin comes in. Using this tool you could generate a site map with a simple click. In addition, it will give you the ability to create compressed sitemaps. Well-known search engines are automatically notified when the sitemap is refreshed. You can also submit the generated sitemap in Webmaster Tools.

W3 Total Cache - This robust wordpress tool can remedy all your performance problems in a matter of minutes. In addition to caching it can perform several other performance related tasks. For instance it can automatically combine and minify your Javascipt and CSS files, set expire headers, switch on gZip data compression and integrate your site with a CDN.

Do you want to be successful as a blog writer? If yes then you should benefit from the plugins reviewed in this article.

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