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Search Engine Optimization Tips & Tricks

By Marcus Ryan

You probably already know that search engine optimization has become a crucial piece of the puzzle to succeed as a business. The internet is now being use for more than just watching cat videos, people are looking for products and services online and most importantly finding local businesses. In this article we have a few tips to help you get started with SEO.

To better optimize your website on search engine, include a variety of keywords, including misspellings of keywords, in the "metatag" area of your website. The search engine spiders will "crawl" these tags and find your site relevant to the keywords, bumping up your site in the list of search results. Try to include a variety of keywords, along with some that are misspelled. For example, a website about aquariums would have keywords such as "fish tanks," "aqarium," "tank," etc.

If you don't have a site yet then choose a domain name that is keyword rich. Exact match domain names still work very well and it provides an instant boost in rankings. The goal here is to make people find your website organically for 5-10 closely related keywords that apply to your website/business. If SEO is done properly it can save you thousands in advertising.

Search engine optimization changes very frequently, but if you are able to stay on top on what's working now you'll stay safe against any future updates from the search engines like Google. These days social signals and unique quality content is everything in order to achieve first page listings, what you need is to make sure your site has a professional design but also a well balanced onsite optimization.

If you want to successfully rank any website on the top search engines like Google then you need to take the time to study and understand the factors behind how search engines work. Once you learn this you'll find it easy to get any new website indexed on Google. Hopefully these tips are useful and you apply them to your business.

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