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With Efficient Business Phone Systems Boston Businesses Keep Their Clients Happy

By Paul Watson

Business is increasingly conducted on a global scale. Even very small businesses can compete in this arena thank to internet technology. It is a very tough environment, however, and only those that are innovative and always on the cutting edge of current trends can thrive. This requires superior communication and a high degree of mobility. Modern consumers demand immediate responses. This is why, when it comes to choosing business phone systems Boston companies increasingly opt for VoIP.

VoIP is an acronym for Voice over Internet Protocol and as the name indicates, it uses the internet as a communications platform. It has been available ever since the internet became widely used but it was never popular in the beginning. This is because internet access was not available everywhere and in many places it was not reliable either. This has changed and as a result VoIP has become extremely popular.

Many companies are initially attracted to VoIP because it promises them significant savings on their telephone accounts. This is certainly not just boasting. Many large companies have reported that they have saved more than half their previous telephone accounts after switching to VoIP. Over the long term these savings can be truly significant amounts of money that will reflect favorably on the balance sheet.

Lower telephone bills are not the only way in which VoIP saves users money. Older systems required constant costly maintenance and separate installations at every site. Each of these installations required the services of a full time operator. VoIP, on the other hand, is installed centrally and it is hosted and updated by the service provider. This means that maintenance cost is negligent and no operators are needed.

Most VoIP clients will agree that the single most important benefit offered is the fact that it offers users freedom from their desks. With older systems, one had to be physically present at a telephone extension in order to receive or make calls. This resulted in missed calls and consequently lost business. With VoIP users can communicate from anywhere and they never have to miss an important call.

Then there is the fact that users are not restricted to the use of any specific device in order to communicate. They can use any device that can access the internet. Because all user records are stored in the cloud, it is instantly available whenever a user logs into the system, regardless of the device he uses at the time. The ability to use whatever device is handy also enhances productivity and efficiency.

VoIP offers much more than mere voice communication. It has advanced benefits that allow users to communicate in many different ways. It boasts features such as video conference calling, voice to email, email to voice and fax and file transfer abilities. This allows users to truly communicate without the need to follow a call by sending an email, graph or file at a later stage.

More and more companies are switching over to VoIP. This is not surprising at all. It is much cheaper but at the same time it offer superior features not matched by any other system currently available. It is reliable, versatile and feature rich.

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