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Why It Is Important To Know Your Historical Roots

By Thomas Fisher

People often label history as similar to gossip where one only needs to remember the name and dates of important people and events. While this is true in some ways, deciphering the origins of your roots as a person and as a citizen can give you multiple benefits along the way. Here are some reasons to study or browse through an American history blog.

The first is that it connects the past to the present. People who are unsure of how we start living in a digital world may gain an idea on what previous generations used to live like in the past by reading history books. This not only enables them to appreciate the things they have now but also gives them perspective on how we came to be thanks to our ancestors.

Second, it gives citizens a sense of identity. Certain citizens that live in historical places from around the world generally have an idea on who they area because of the origins of their first people. This of course gives them a sense of pride that does not only refer to their own being but also unites them as a group or a country.

Next, it prevents people from making the same mistakes. Past events are not just about random trivia and lifestyle, it also includes features that have caused insurmountable pain and suffering for civilians who lived throughout the eras of war and difficulty. To prevent making the same mistakes again, a person can read up on past events and learn how to keep their current lives stable.

Next, it acts as a guide for politicians when implementing changes. Aside from individuals, world leaders who are in charge of enacting laws to make changes can also learn a thing or two from history. In fact, so long has society existed, so did the laws of politics which can bring both fruitful and risky consequences. Studying the mistakes from past leaders can certainly help the leaders of the day to make better and more informed changes.

Another, it allows one to understand people from other countries. Aside from discovering and appreciating your own identity, being able to learn the origins of people from other places allows you to appreciate their values, mannerisms, and culture. This not only prevents you from accidentally offending them but can even give you an opportunity to make friends across borders.

One other advantage is it helps you decipher current issues. Some political issues that are blasted over media outlets occur because persons who have experienced these problems in previous years are fearful that it may happen again. For generations who were born at a later period, studying history enables them to rationalize why certain issues are still up for debate.

Last but not least, it teaches a person that change is inevitable. While many of us are aware of this fact, few understand its importance until they experience it themselves. Understanding the roots of a specific event allows one to gain some idea on the impact of change without having to undergo a series of hardships and difficulties, making a group of citizens less likely to suffer.

With these benefits, one can easily conclude that studying history is more than just simple memorization of names and dates. In fact, when taught properly, learning the origins and past events can actually be both a fun and stimulating course of study that not only challenges you mentally but also expands your perspective. Both of which are necessary in helping you grow as a person.

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