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Information For HR Generalist Career Path

By Kevin Collins

When it comes to working in Human Resources, there are a number of different areas of focus. For example, there are often receptionists, recruiters, systems analysts, trainers and others. When opting for a hr generalist career path, individuals often work in all these and other areas.

As a key member of a human resources team, this individual is the direct link between management and employees. In addition, a generalist is also responsible for day to day operations and managing policies and procedures. As such, the position requires an individual who enjoys developing and planning various systems within the department.

Companies often look for applicants whom are detail oriented and interested in the personal and professional growth of employees. In most cases, those opting for positions in this area will often have more success when it comes to moving up in a company. For, skills acquired as a generalist are some of the most valued and desired among those in the business community.

The overall job description of a hr generalist includes, handling issues of staff members, recruiting and scheduling. In addition, there are times when these individuals also provide services such as ordering supplies and planning space for cubicles, mail-rooms, offices and other areas. Whereas, training and development, employee safety, welfare, health and wellness are also related to the position.

In some cases, individuals may be asked to draft and publish company information such as policies and procedures. Whereas, there are a number of companies whom outsource this task to a technical writer. When this is the case, it is essential that the generalist review the information to assure the guide has everything a new employee needs to know about the benefits, rules and regulations of the company.

Performance reviews are one of the most difficult parts of the job. For, whether hosting semi-annual or annual reviews, constructive criticism is not always appreciated. At the same time, employees can not grow and move up in a company unless having the knowledge and skills necessary to do so. Whereas, having the ability to let individual employees go, deal with layoffs or reprimand an employee are steps most Human Resources staff must take at one time or another.

Most often, the job of creating a fair compensation and benefits package is also that of a generalist. Whereas, there is a strong need for excellent communication skills as this individual generally communicates with upper level management, government agencies, insurance companies and staff. As such, this is also a key position as the individual often needs to make decisions with regards to the best methods of communicating with employees related to various issues such as a request for a raise, or help with addiction and recovery.

While some companies will overlook educational requirements, this is not often the case when it comes to upper level positions in human resources. At the same time, applicants who can show a clear understanding of the company, operations, policies and procedures often have a better chance. As such, those looking for work in this area may want to submit an application and resume regardless of educational background.

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