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Greece Flag History

By Ralph Fright

The history of Greece can be traced back to Stone Age hunters. Later came early farmers and the civilizations of the Minoan and Mycenaean kings. This was followed by a period of wars and invasions, known as the Dark Ages. In about 1100 BC, a people called the Dorians invaded from the north and spread down the west coast. In the period from 500-336 BC, Greece was divided into small city-states, each of which consisted of a city and its surrounding countryside.

Due to its strategic position, straddling east and west, Greece was considered a vital link. The Greek past is truly remarkable. It has influenced and taught the modern world much of what it is today, and its ancient language still lives on in the sciences (pi, omega, sigma), expressions (Don't be such a Cassandra) and everyday words (history, taxi, wine).

The Greek banner used blue and white stripes and the cross in1822 when it was used as the maritime ensign. It turned out to be a national ensign from 1828. Over history, a few variants of the banner were used. A few rules included their crests or a crown to the banner. The present banner was most as of late received as the national banner in 1978.

The flag of Greece has nine horizontal stripes of blue and white, alternating, with blue on the top and bottom. In the canton is a white cross on a blue background. The nine stripes of the Greek flag represent the syllables in the Greek saying, "Freedom or Death" (Eleftheria i thanatos) and the nine letters in the Greek word for "freedom" (eleftheria). Another theory for the significance of the nine stripes is the traditional nine Greek Muses.

The blue and white cross in the canton speaks of the Greek religion, Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The precise shade of blue used as a part of the Greek banner has differed over history yet as of late is normally a more profound blue.

Blue and white have for quite some time been connected with Greece, referencing the sky and ocean and the country's social legacy. The hues might have been used to reflect Greek divine beings and goddesses, similar to Achilles and Athena. They might have additionally been used amid Byzantine and Ottoman standard. The Flag Company Inc represented considerable authority in banner plans offered an exceptional release of decals and banners to retain the Greece Flag History for future generations.

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