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The Flag Company Inc And The British Flag

By Billy White

Although evidence of human habitation in Great Britain dates to more than 800,000 years ago, ice sheets forced the inhabitants from the island several times, and modern settlement dates only from about 12,000 years ago. A new era in English history began with the Norman Conquest. William the first introduced Norman-style political and military feudalism. He used the feudal system to collect taxes, employed the bureaucracy of the church to strengthen the central government, and made the administration of royal justice more efficient.

Historically 'united kingdom' begins life in informal use during the 18th century to describe the newly combined nation of England and Scotland. It becomes official in 1800, in the Act of Union with Ireland, when the enlarged kingdom is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Unfortunately, Wales was not represented because it the Middle Ages Wales was annexed by King Edward I. When King James took the throne in 1603, both countries agreed to share the same monarchy but remained separate states, the first act of union between the two countries.

Sadly, Wales was not represented as it, the Middle Ages Wales was annexed by King Edward I. At the point when King James took the throne in 1603, both nations consented to have the same government however stayed separate. In this manner was started the Kingdom of Great Britain. On 12 April 1606, to commend the new monarchical union in the middle of England and Scotland, a banner was composed which used both the English St. George cross and the Scottish St. Andrews cross.

When England and Scotland were formally united in 1707 with the Act of Union, the Union Flag became the official national flag of the new state called the United Kingdom. Some Scots were unhappy with the new design because the St. Andrews cross lies beneath the cross of St. George, so they designed a new flag which featured the St. Andrews cross on top, but it was never adopted official.

On 1 January 1801 the Kingdom of Great Britain was united with the Kingdom of Ireland, and the British Family of Nations, England, Scotland, Wales and the island of Ireland, were united in a solitary political state. The new state was known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland After the 1801 union, the red cross of St. Patrick was added to the current Union Flag and in this manner was conceived the Union Jack.

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