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Obtaining A Large ROI From Facebook Ads

By Kamil Samara

In order to discover how profitable a paid campaign is, a metric known as the return on investment (ROI) is used. One of the best advertising platforms for an exceptionally high ROI is Facebook, this is especially true if you use all the features to your advantage.

Using Facebook ads to improve marketing results is possible in a variety of ways. As with anything else, there are techniques which deliver better results than others so knowing these is key to success.

Keep up to date on the platform as Facebook is constantly adjusting how they deliver ads, with images being one of the most important things that will effect your results. This in combination with the right audience targeting will help you quickly assess the effectiveness of your ad campaign. Don't be like everyone else and lazily choose the most general audience you can think of. Dig deeper inside your particular niche to extract the best demographics and characteristics so as to match your message to your market audience, which in turn should lead to a nice ad ROI.

The design is also an important element if you are looking to get the maximum number of clicks. A good starting point is to use high quality images. The design of the ad should be eye-catching. There are many other ads competing against you, and it will be the only way to grab some attention. Every single day Facebook users are bombarded with content and ads. You have to be the one advertiser that stands out among the noise.

Be sure there is a call to action included in your ad, if you want to achieve a high ROI. You need to tell your audience directly what you would like them to do. If you don't your paid Facebook ads are not going to be as meaningful. The text on a Facebook text does of course need to be very brief. However, it's still possible to provide your audience with some direction.

While your ad is running you will need to keep track of it to determine how profitable it is. You can use Facebook's built in metrics to track a campaign. Using these will help you to determine which campaign is performing While your ad is running you want to make small tweaks to see if it can be improved and reach a larger target audience.

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