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New Amazon Marketing Strategies For 2014 - Crossover Marketing

By Dirk Wade

Amazon is one of the largest websites on the Internet, one that is highly respected and trusted by people all over the world. Regardless of the type of product that you are trying to find, Amazon will usually have exactly what you need. Often times, they can ship the product to you within just a few days, making it one of the most reliable sources for merchandise on the web.

If you have ever done keyword research, you know that longtail keywords are the easiest to rank for. This is something that most people understand, especially if they are going after organic traffic opposed to paid traffic. In the same sense, when you are looking for a way to bring more visitors at a lower cost using pay per click advertising, you want to target long tail keywords that may not be as expensive.

This technique involves building several different websites, each pertaining to a particular product line sold at Amazon. You are going to focus on one particular niche, and then target all of the manufacturers that make the different products. By doing so, you can cross reference the different products from each of your websites, linking from one site to the other. As long as your websites are on different IP addresses, it will seem very natural to the search engines that you are referencing similar products.

Although there are many different ways that you can get targeted traffic to the website that you have set up with the products that are currently trending, the easiest way is to use Facebook advertising which has a couple different benefits area the first benefit is that you are targeting visitors that are connected to social media.

This technique can also be used if you are targeting products that are related, but it's easiest to create a product in one particular niche, building multiple sites representing the different companies that sell similar products. This technique should help you not only improve your search engine positioning, but sell more products in higher volume, thus allowing you to receive a higher percentage of commission for each sale that you make.

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