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Why Neon Lights Still Dominate The City Skyline

By Mary Barnes

Even when alone and walking at night, one can still be mesmerized by the beauty and splendor of the city lights that glimmer and dance across the twilight zones of inner cities. The sight is just a marvel to see and its beauty alone can sometimes bring a smile to the face. These light are in full vivid color that captivates and enthralls. Let your business be known and have one of these made at custom neon signs NYC.

In the early days of civilization, humans had to deal with the dangers that night time could bring. The fear factor was such that this necessitated the creation of night watchers to forewarn of any incoming danger. One can only imagine what it was like to huddle in caves in absolute darkness. It was only the discovery of fire and how to control it that gave a certain degree of illumination.

Night illumination only came to the fore with the successful creation of the incandescent light bulb. The advances in the field of electricity and how it can be generated led to this invention. It was understanding electricity that gave birth to power generating plants. These two developments were introduced to the world with the lighting of the first locality where the inventor lived.

A result of one of the various experiments conducted by scientists with regard to electricity applications was the discovery of how inert gases reacted to electrical discharges. This came about as many experiments were conducted on the possible uses of electricity. It was just among many scientific discoveries and innovation that took place when electricity was totally understood.

The inert gases or noble gases as scientist call them are neon, helium, krypton, xenon, and radon. By itself, it does not react to any substance. It is as if they do not exist at all. It does not even react to chemicals. However, experiments soon found out that these reacted to electrical discharges when placed in a vacuum. A fluorescent tube an example of this type of reaction.

It was also determined that these elements had a varied color spectrum as it reacted with variable discharges of electricity. The colors that emanated from these experiments were very vivid and clear. It did take long for scientists to design and developed these findings into more practical uses. Industries were the first to extensively use the products of this experiments.

Electricity and noble gases could not have been combined successfully were it not for glass technology. This was the only material that was best fitted to handle the reaction inside it, and it definitely is transparent. It could also be produced in various shapes and forms and sizes. All these elements came about through scientific inquiry helped to produce the lighting assemblies that we see today.

The technology is now used by businesses and large industries. The ever bright lighted signage that displays the logos and names of corporations or business now dominate the city skyline. It is an excellent medium for advertisement. One only has to go to an entertainment district to see how these can entice customers to patronize joints.

The dominance of these lights in the city skyline is not soon to be replaced. Not just yet. LED is now becoming more popular in indoor lighting as it consumes considerably less energy. To some degree, it has successfully invaded homes and offices as people and businesses try their best to cut cost. However, this technology just does not produce the same glow and allure of neon lights. It is nowhere near it.

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