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Replacing Commercial Refrigeration Gaskets Atlanta

By Scott Patterson

A refrigerator is a good piece of equipment that is supposed to give you service for several years. Whether it is used in a household or commercial setup, it should look substantial and act functionally well to store things at cool temperatures. However, after several years of use, the temperature of some refrigerators may slowly go up over time. Warm air flows inside lowering the temperatures even when the door is shut. If this happens the first thing that is normally recommended is the replacement of refrigeration gaskets Atlanta.

Refrigeration gaskets are the rubbery strips that usually line the edges of refrigeration doors. Their main purpose is to keep cold air in and the warm air out. They ensure the refrigeration doors are tightly shut.

The modern designs of refrigerator doors usually add magnets on the gaskets. The main reason for this is to strengthen the gaskets and provide a tighter grip on the door. This ensures the door is tightly shut.

Gaskets usually wear out after several years of the refrigerator's life. It is important for one to keep a close eye on the gasket and identify any worn out signs. A worn out gasket has adverse effects on the efficiency of a refrigerator. It also negatively affects the build-up of frost on the cooling coils.

The overall effect of the warm air is negative on the entire system of refrigeration. The refrigerator also ends up consuming more energy during the defrost cycle. This in turns impacts the efficiency of the refrigerator.

There is a simple way that you can use to identify whether the gasket in your refrigerator is faulty. This will help you identify if the gasket is the real cause of the high temperatures noted in your refrigerator. Once you are able to identify the gasket is the issue, the best solution then is to simply have the gasket replaced.

You can start by inspecting the gasket visually all-round the door. Look out for any cracks, dirt buildup such as decaying food or mold. You should confirm that the gasket is properly fitting all around the door. The refrigerator door should also be properly aligned with no warping.

If the visual inspection shows no negative results, you now need to check the strength of the gasket seal. You can do this by simply putting a bill on the door and shutting it. You should experience a little resistance when trying to pull the bill. If you pull the bill easily with no resistance at all, the gasket is faulty. Repeat this step all around the door to ensure the seal is tight.

In the modern refrigerators, the magnetic strip gaskets are usually easy to replace when compared to the old gasket types. Identifying the gasket in your refrigerator is a crucial step in ensuring you get the right replacement. In a commercial setting with different types of refrigerators, this can be tricky. You can find fridges from the same manufacturer having different types of gaskets.

When faced with this challenge, seek help from a gasket consultant. You will avoid the trouble of getting the wrong type of gasket for your refrigerator and not fixing your initial problem. The consultant will not only help you identify the right gasket but will also install it for you and do an inspection thereafter to ensure it works as it should.

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