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Questions To Ask Your Yearbook Digitization Contractor

By Carolyn Wallace

There is something unique and memorable in each year. This is why Yearbook Digitization should receive sufficient attention by being done professionally. There are numerous vendors promising quality services. However, these precious memories should not be subjected to chance. You need to choose a vendor whose services you are certain about. Here are questions to ask in order to vet the vendors and get quality services.

What quality of images will be produced? Quality of images is measured in DPI or dots-per-inch or PPI which is commonly referred to as Pixels-per-inch. You should get images that are 400 PPI or more. The higher the PPI, the better the quality of images. This will also save you from having to scan the images again in future.

Have you handled similar projects in the past? Experience is extremely important because of the delicate nature of some of the images and documents involved. You need the experience as a guarantee that your images, some of which are uniquely irreplaceable, will be handled with care. By looking at results of previous projects, you can tell of the quality of work you will be expecting.

What format will be used for the file you receive? The digital platform offers options for different file formats. You need a format that is accessible to common gadgets that are used by potential clients for your book. The format should also be easy to convert and allow seamless transfer. The most common file formats are JPEG and PDF because they help to preserve quality.

Will the original materials be preserved? Digitizing means that you will be sending the original images and materials. Some of these images are rare and only exist without a duplicate. They need to be preserved through careful handling. If the pins come off or the pages are folded, the quality of your book will be compromised in a way that it will be difficult to recover. You should also consider insurance to cover for damages that may occur during handling.

How long will the process take? Delivery time usually depends on the facilities available and contract agreement. While some clients have the luxury of time, others have to return the materials to such places as the library because they need to be used by other people. Even as the vendor hurries to deliver on your work, quality must be maintained.

What numbering system will be used? Digital yearbooks should capture the information in a logical manner. There are pages that will have multiple images. What is important is a logical and chronological organization of the images and information in your book. In the absence of this order, you will be dealing with a distasteful book to view.

There is technology that can be incorporated to enhance the usability of your book. This includes making images easy to search by incorporating OCR or Optical Character recognition. Through this technology, words can be extracted from images to make it easier when searching. The vendor chosen must be reliable by possessing necessary skills and experience to produce quality work.

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