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What To Know About Greek Persian Wars

By Helen Stevens

When fighting escalates one of the communities involved suffers a major setback while the other rises above. The Greek Persian Wars involved Greece and Persian Empire who were conflicting over natural resources. It was the first time that Greece worked together to fight their enemy. They were determined to win so that they could gain political power and get more natural resources.

The conflict helped in benefiting Athens after Greece become the winner but these benefits were only short lived sounded the city was left deprived economically and physically. However their democracy was undermined big time and they needed someone to rely on. The people they relied on were not strong enough to face the opponents making the city weaker.

When Athens was attacked for the first time nothing was destroyed bit during the second time it was burnt down to ashes. This angered most people and they joined their forces to fight back. They were determined to win at all cost. However not effects were negative there were some positive moments too like exchange of culture where people intermarried burying cultural differences.

A lot of these people in ancient days were traders and when they did not get along business wise differences occurred. Spartans were really mad at people of Athens because they felt that they used almost natural resource for their benefit. When these people got dissatisfied they began retaliating as they fought for equal share and when no one seemed to care the fight increased.

Those days what the ancient people termed as corruption did not involve one stealing money instead it was about dealing soldiers mainly. Greece transformed Delian League into their own empire and chased out any person who was not from their descent. This was not taken well by most of the people who initially lived on that land because the move felt selfish and only catered for needs of one community.

It also involved them using the funds acquired to just help the Athenians and getting land and private property for only people of Athens descent. This therefore means that they must have accumulated a lot of wealth to form their own empire. In most cases even in normal societies there is a thin line between power and corruption which makes people speculate that corruption was on the rise.

After the fight there was a room for innovations in history, science and mathematics. Philosophers came in through this age. Writers too did not want to be left behind as they wanted to write history before people started given different versions of what exactly happened. Most of those historic stories were converted into humorous plays that told the stories in a fun way.

The scientists helped people to see the world in a different way such that people learnt that illnesses in most cases occurred naturally unlike what people believed before. Early a lot of people believed that humans had contributed by sinning to the gods and in return they got punished. With this discovery doctors encouraged people to eat well and stay healthy by boiling or roasting meat and eat bread.

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