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Useful And Essential Facts About Thermal Transfer Ribbon

By Rebecca Cooper

Various criteria can be used to categorize printers. Under one criterion, printers are classified as impact or non-impact. Thermal transfer printers fall under non-impact printers since they create images by using heat rather than impact. The printing is done on special papers known as thermal transfer ribbons. The ribbons are usually manufactured from resin-based wax or inks. This is what Thermal Transfer Ribbon are all about.

The print-head of the printer is made of resistive heating pins. A single print-head contains several pins, which are used for printing. When the pins come in contact with the paper, they cause the resin or wax on it to melt because of the heat. The melting is what is responsible for the formation of the image that is seen eventually.

The heating of the pins is controlled by a microprocessor. Different images are produced depending on the pin that is heated. The print-head is usually wide enough to cover the entire medium or paper that needs to be printed. These printers are popular used in the printing of various products, including piece tags, labels, and bar codes. The printers can be classified into two major types, that is, direct thermal and thermal wax transfer printers.

Direct thermal printers function in such a way that images are formed by burning dots on coated paper when the print-head goes over the paper. Nevertheless, these printer types cannot function for printing on thermal transfer vinyl as their design does not allow this. This technology found its use on paper printing in the earliest fax machine forms.

Thermal wax transfer printers are designed in that they contain ribbons. They print by applying heat onto the ribbon first. The ribbon usually contains wax-based ink and when heated, the ink melts. The ink on the ribbon is then transferred onto the paper on which printing needs to be done. The ink then cools and forms permanent impressions. The quality of the print usually depends on the quality of the printer and the ribbon it contains.

Thermal transfer vinyl can be placed into three main groups. The three types are full resin, wax-resin, and full wax ribbons. A wax-based ink coating is used to make full wax ribbons. Therefore, they can be easily melted using low temperatures. These are the most available ribbons, which also makes them the cheapest. The durability of the images produced on these materials is very low.

Like the name suggests, wax-resin ribbons are made from both full resin and full wax ribbons. Their melting point is higher in comparison to that of full wax ribbons. Typically, wax-resin ribbons are used for weatherproofing. Given the material they are made of, these ribbons provide more durable images. The images can also resist occasional heavy handling.

Full resin ribbons are made of pure resin and that makes them to melt at a much higher temperature. When they are melted, they dissolve into the material they are being printed on. This allows them to form highly durable images. These ribbons are the most expensive compared to the other two types.

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